Quality Information & Quality Assurance

Quality Information

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are required, under both the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial / Continuing Registration and the VET Quality Framework, to collect and report their performance against the following three Quality indicators to their Registering Body:
  • Learner Engagement
  • Employment Satisfaction
  • Competency Completion

The AQTF Employer Questionnaire (EQ) and Learner Questionnaire (LQ) contribute to the first two of the indicators above. Competency completion is measured through the annual Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) collection.

    Explanatory Notes

    The survey results are provided in a very broad context and not at a specific program level. These indicators are based on a survey of various students and employers for training delivery in the 2013 calendar year. The students and employers surveyed for these indicators were selected by Carey Training in accordance with national guidelines.

    Learner Questionnaire (LQ)

    The learner survey is designed to be conducted by RTOs on a routine basis to collect data from learners participating in nationally recognised training.

    The learner survey focuses on whether learners are engaged in activities likely to promote high quality skill outcomes and includes learner perceptions of the quality of their competency development and the support they receive from RTOs.

    The LQ measures several areas of education and training, including four broad domains (training quality, work readiness, training conditions, learner engagement) and ten summary scales. These areas relate to learning and education in general rather than to any specific training focus or context.

    Employer Questionnaire (EQ)

    The employer survey is designed to be conducted by RTOs on a routine basis to collect data from employers of learners participating in nationally recognised training.

    The employer survey focuses on employer evaluation of learner competency development and the relevance of learner competency for work and further training, as well as employer evaluation of the overall quality of the training and assessment.

    The EQ measures several areas of education and training, including three broad domains (training quality, work readiness, training conditions) and seven summary scales. These areas relate to learning and education in general, rather than to any specific training or employment focus or context.

    South Australia

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    Western Australia

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