In order to successfully complete this qualification you must complete a total of 12 units of competency, 6 core units and 6 elective units.
BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence
BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
BSBOPS505 Manage operational customer service
BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBHRM415 Coordinate recruitment and on boarding
BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
BSBINS501 Implement information and knowledge management systems
BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
*Please note this is an example training plan and a range of additional units can be selected to make up a plan that is relevant to your requirements.